Gift World

E-postcard: A Unique Gift

e-postcard gift world

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up on your birthday? Probably check your phone for birthday messages, am I right? These days, everyone is so consumed by social media that the number of posts you get on your timeline, mentions in stories and snaps you get sent is a form of popularity. But what is it really *special*? It takes a matter of seconds to type up and share a post on social media, but sending an e-postcard? Now thats something a bit more special…

Something a little more exciting…

Now imagine that on your next birthday, instead of a few mentions and posts on your Facebook wall, you get an e-postcard. It would make you smile, would it not? The personalised and thoughtful surprise is bound to stand out more to you on your big day than a message in a sea of Facebook posts. It expresses a sense of love and care in a way that a virtual ‘happy birthday, buddy!’ could never.

The ease of an e-postcard

The e-postcard is perfect for those who travel a lot or lead a very busy lifestyle. Take myself, for instance, I love to move around a lot. Sending a real postcard from the location I’m visiting feels redundant when by the time it gets to the recipient I am no longer in that location. With an e-postcard, you never have that issue! Send a thoughtful message quickly and with style. You can download Gift World via the App Store / Play Store or via our website.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for gifting advice, tips and fun facts! For help using the gift world app, check out our Guide page.

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